Paper with security fibres is offered under the trademark YOU’RE SAFETM.
The paper is secured with security fibres, incorporated in its structure.
Security fibres may have distinctive characteristics such as: thickness, lenght, color, UV/IR activity, according to customer’s demand. The diversity of characteristics makes the custom paper to be specific for the client and the counterfeiting attempt to be discouraged.
Depending the fibres behavior in the visible/UV/IR spectrum there are:
Security fibres can be used as unique security elements or combined with other security features.
The paper with fluorescent fibres can be used for any document for which protection is desired: diplomas, certificates, stamps, contracts etc.
UV Lamp – with UV lamp it can be identified fibres visible in ultraviolet light from the security paper.
IR pen – with IR pen it can be identified fibres visible in IR light from the security paper.
Adress: Al. I. Cuza Bld., no. 3, Braila, 810019, Romania