CEPROHART Braila has 60 years of research tradition in the field of pulp, paper and board and as well within the related fields.
The researchers’ team implemented successfully during the years valuable projects in the following areas:
The research projects are developed in partnership with public and private Romanian or foreign research organizations.
As a result of CEPROHART’s medium and long term development objectives, CEPROHART’s research team focuses its creative efforts for continuous diversification of security techniques, within the paper or at the paper’s surface, in laboratories equipped with modern instruments for determining the quality characteristics of the paper grades and to perform chemical analyzes for the new paper grades in order to improve and diversify the security techniques.
CEPROHART own a Physical and Mechanical Testing Laboratory accredited by RENAR according SR EN ISO CEI 17025:2005. Laboratory accreditation guarantees quality and assures in the impartiality, independence and technical competence of the specialists’ team.
Also, the research team innovative ideas could be validated and diversified in order to put into practice and homologation by means of 2 laboratories equipped with the necessary equipments for their achievement:
The researchers’ team perform:
Adress: Al. I. Cuza Bld., no. 3, Braila, 810019, Romania
E-mail: contact@securitypapers.eu
Website: www.securitypapers.eu