After about five years of research, testing and development, the Ceprohart’s specialists have succeeded to incorporate, in a controlled manner, magnetic microwires in the paper structure. This type of security feature allows quick identification of the original document and helps to eliminate the risk that valuable documents to be destroyed, copied or stolen from a certain area. The magnetic microwires may have different lengths, thicknesses and magnetic loadings, thus providing the possibility of achieving a high degree of customization.
SelfProtectTMpaper is the result of Ceprohart’s research and is our newest security paper product.
The magnetic microwires can be used alone or in combination with other security features, thus combining the anti-theft effect with anti-falsification or counterfeiting capacity.
The application is designed for companies, government institutions that want to exclude the risk of stealing, duplicating or destroying of documents containing high- confidential information, in targeted areas such as: research and development, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, electronics, classified information management, military etc.
Other important applications can be the excise stamps, passports, diplomas and other valuable documents.
Portable magnetic detector – the device is used for SelfProtectTM paper, which can be used to identify magnetic microwires from the paper.
Adress: Al. I. Cuza Bld., no. 3, Braila, 810019, Romania